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Sarvajanik Shikshonnayan Sansthan Old Age Home for Neglected Poor Elderly began with a few old age people who were destitute old aged undergoing great difficulties in India, lacking & logging in love & affection and are in mental stress, and strain, then we started, Sarvajanik Shikshonnayan Sansthan "Elderly Home for Poor Old Aged" with humanity & service to cater the needs of poor elderly. Senior citizens at Old Age Homes receive food, housing, affection, proper care, and other fundamental necessities. We provide shelter with breakfast, lunch, supper, healthcare, and television for entertainment.



Because of poverty and family disagreements, older women in India face isolation and social rejection. Sarvajanik Shikshonnayan Sansthan for the destitute elderly, Old Age Care is a home away from home. Giving older folks a decent place to live. Assisting the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being of the elderly. To care for the elderly, home-made meals are served at home. Donate to a destitute senior adult at a nursing facility. Assist the needy older folks who are in severe need of assistance. Donate to Sarvajanik Shikshonnayan Sansthan old age home to help us the needy elderly avoid starvation and homelessness.


Donating food, health care, and clothes to the elderly and impoverished in our Sarvajanik Shikshonnayan Sansthan old age home. We provide housing and activities for the elderly through contributions. Sarvajanik Shikshonnayan Sansthan's purpose is to offer a healthy and welcoming atmosphere for underprivileged senior folks. The institution includes excellent meals, leisure, and medical services for the elderly in the nursing home. Donate to assist older persons in their final days. Sarvajanik Shikshonnayan Sansthan's home provides a safe atmosphere for elderly people.


Long-Term Impact

Sarvajanik Shikshonnayan Sansthan's Old Age Home for Poor Elders offers free housing, food, and medical treatment to the elderly. Senior folks, who are typically shunned by their offspring, can live in a free old age home. Donate to the Sarvajanik Shikshonnayan Sansthan's old age home to be a tower of strength for the elderly and to provide assistance to a needy grandparent. This effort helps to prevent "Hunger Deaths." Older folks can enjoy better lives by contributing food and health supplements. They are now in a group at home, expressing their views and worries with one another.

It is your Contribution which gives us strength

In SSS Global every day we give our 100% to deliver more to our society. Besides the care and help to elder people we also work for other different cause of society. Below are some glimpses of our work which become possible due to your contribution only.


1500 +

People Got shelter in our old Age Homes.



Essential Goods and Financial Aid for elderpeople living alone.



Medical Treatments organized for poor old people.



Students get quality education and livelihood skills in our institutes



Families got Free Foods and ration in COVID period



Free medical kits distributed in the time of Flood



Old Age Homes operated across different districts of India.



Recreational Activities for old age people organized nationally